Privacy Policy


The London Soccer Academy Inc. takes your family’s privacy very seriously. Your private information is securely stored in our database.

It is important to be aware that any and all communication with LSA about your child’s personal needs, including any relevant health information, will be kept private and safe.

We encourage you to be mindful and consider the means through which you choose to communicate. While we are available to connect safely by using the TeamSnap LSA official sports management platform (Highly recommended). WhatsApp group chat and emails should be considered a low risk also and can be encouraged for short conversation or sharing personal or private details. Business emails are considered another secure means of communication as well.

What we collect & don’t:

Personal Information: We collect and store personal information such as names, addresses, phone numbers, and emergency contact details solely for the purpose of program administration and participant safety.

Medical Information: Any medical information provided by participants or their guardians will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and only shared with relevant program staff on a need-to-know basis for the safety and well-being of the participants.

Financial Information: We do not collect financial information beyond what is necessary for program fees, and all financial transactions are securely processed through trusted payment gateways.